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From: "Ott M. Aaloe" <>
Organization: MicroLink Ltd.
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 1994 13:00:39 +0300 (EETDST)
Subject: Shape problem
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Hi all!
I'd like to know if the number of shapes is somehow limited or not?
I know that I can set the # from the options window but in my case it
seems that it doesn't work: I set the # of shapes to 2600 (yes i
really need them so much and yes I have plenty of mem).
Problem is that when I try to get some shapes (e.g. #2000) then
the blitz says Unable to free memory error. Then I tried to
free shapes by hand:
for t=0 to 2600 : free shapes t : next .Now every time I get
an error Unable to free memory. Funny thing is that when I
check the value of the t then it's every time different, like
first time it's 1024 then 1029 then maybe 1030 etc. So am I
doing something wrong or what?? BTW. Im using an AGA machine and